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Mountains, Scandinavia, North America ? Journey of my inspirations

Scandinavia and North America - my journey of inspiration that crosses mountains, lands and oceans. From today's blog, you'll learn how it all started, what is important to me, what evokes special emotions in me, what moves me - and finally how it influences my work. Let me take you on a short journey. In time, I will tell you a lot more, in the meantime - let's start from the beginning.

Scandinavia and North America - my journey of inspiration that crosses mountains, lands and oceans. From today's blog, you'll learn how it all started, what is important to me, what evokes special emotions in me, what moves me - and finally how it influences my work. Let me take you on a short journey. In time, I will tell you a lot more, in the meantime - let's start from the beginning.

Mountains and forest ... hmm what can I say, I was born in their company, looking every day through the window at their majesty and observing their changing faces, those gentle, like distant shapes behind a gentle mist with an intense blue spreading over them, as well as those during the frosty nights, white peaks against a dark blue starry sky with the moon. To immediately observe those angry and stormy days that heralded the red rays of the setting sun falling on the peaks and bringing with them strong winds, billowing clouds in the mountain gullies, storms and snowstorms. One time the mountains herald graciousness to wandering visitors and other times they can be unpredictable. I've learned to read the coming changes from this everyday view. It's a bit like shamans who read the signs of nature. Shapes, colors, emotions for my works. Living surrounded by such unique nature has had a great impact on my artwork and interests from the very beginning. It's like nature has reflected its beauty in my imagination and sensibility from the very first moment.

The countries of the far north, Scandinavia and America are one of my next the biggest inspiration. It wasn't so obvious to me from the beginning, it appeared over time. Do you remember from your childhood the book about Pocahontas and the 1995 Walt Disney animation "Pocahontas", or the animation "Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron" (2002 DreamWorks) ? - yes, these was the first time when I keen of with these vibes, which as a child I could watch from morning to evening and evening to morning and rent everytime in a small video rental shop in Zakopane, where a lady knew me as good as she always threw fruit candy into the box with my favorite videotape.

Indians and horses, living in harmony with nature, and unique mountain landscapes. My first works from childhood which were drawings and which I still have in a folder to this day, were filled with horses and nature. Exactly in that moment I loved wild North America and a dream to go to Alaska, which continues to this day.

The culture of Scandinavia I knew later, when I came across Scandinavian literature about Viking times and the cave paintings that inspired my first ceramic works. My fascination with the local flora and fauna, the black Icelandic beaches, the fields of blooming lupines, the magical walking auroras in the sky, J.Bauer's fairy tales like the "Leap the Elk and Princess Cottongrass", the wooden finnish "kuksa" cups, and Kittelsen's illustrations of the giant mountain and forest trolls that inhabit the Scandinavian countryside made a huge impression on me and influenced my creative inspiration. This is what is close to my heart !!!

Scandinavia and Native American lands, two different geographic locations, completely different cultures, but with one thing in common: love and respect for wild nature. Cold-weather lands are precisely the places that grab my heart. The cold and harsh climate of mountain landscapes, endless, all the way to the horizon forests with lakes and of course animals, and culture and tradition. I found in these places my reflection of what is closest to me and which I show in what I create.

The Scandinavian idea of frilufstliv - the Norwegian tradition of living close to nature and even directly in it, getting from the fresh air the fullness of magic and simplicity from nature and tranquility, and the devotion and values of Native Americans to Mother Earth.

These regions still cultivate nature to this day, which makes them even closer to me, and in that way I can relate to and admire them even more.

Observing their handicrafts, functional, timeless and original, taken from old folk traditions are the elements I try to smuggle into my work, along with the idea of closeness to nature. I will return to the subject of these cultures probably more than once, their values, art and inspiration, because after all, this is what I try to observe and capture in my daily creative work, which I want to share with you.

How can you find inspiration for your art ? Some people just feel it and know it, while others need time to find it. For an artist it is a never-ending process of feeling, it took me many years too, and it is still going on. Search, look around, think about what makes your heart start to beat harder ? Maybe it's nature, maybe it's a fascination with people, childhood or maybe some place you dream about, that's real or like from a dream, that exists only in your head and is worth sharing ? You too can discover your inspirations and infect others with them !!!


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