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Honestly ? - I never expected to start writing a blog !!!

Honestly? - I didn't expect from myself that I would start writing a blog. I'm usually better at creating artistic and manual things, while the writing language which has always been a challenge for me. Breaking barriers does not come easily to me, but never say never !!! You can positively surprise yourself :)

I will reveal to you the behind-the-scenes of my work and creative activities, inspirations and daily activities. What gives fun and what creates a challenge. Along with reading the blog you will accompany me in moments of joy, artistic exaltation - you will get to know everything from behind the scenes :)

A few words about what I would like to share with you here. Of course, my passion for art - creating ceramics, drawing and painting, wood carving, but also my love for nature, and my inspirations !!! So I will share with you all that is behind the creation. Together we will talk about how to love yourself, to live your life to the fullest, according to who you are, not who others would like - isn't that what everyone wants?

My works whether ceramics or illustration, reflect who I am as a person. They express and speak for me. How I perceive the world and how I see my place in it. That's why the colorful landscapes focus on the feelings of amazement, wonder and joy that come from being in nature.

I want to build a bond among all those to whom nature and the idea of arts and crafts are close to heart.

So, if you feel that special magnetism, and your heart beats stronger at the sight of an Icelandic pony, a flying jay bird, you will not pass indifferently by a growing fern in the forest and at the same time you see the value and beauty of the work of human hands - you have come to the best place!

In this day and age, an artist has to fight for survival, be able to talk about himself and defend himself and his work. This is not easy, everyone would like to focus on their work, search for what inspires and surround with the beauty of nature. I came to the conclusion that the blog is a good option to talk to you, to share my daily life.

My brand is here not only to bring beauty into your life, but to challenge you to be the best possible version of yourself. To try and imagine dreams that are much bigger than you can imagine right now. For me, these are mountain peaks to recach !!!

This path I have chosen has never been easy, but I believe it is worth it !!!


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